Did you know we host a range of classes here at Wiggles. From in-house favourites like Baby Massage and Baby Yoga, to our classes with Rhythmtime, Boogie Babes Bradford and Bumble Kids, there’s so much available for you to come and try!
Current Classes
Baby Massage & Yoga Classes with Katie
Available Monday and Tuesday afternoons, to book on email wigglesplayltd@gmail.com or WhatsApp 07488383561
Boogie Babes Bradford
Monday 10-11, Boogie Babes class
No need to book simply just turn up!
Contact Sophie for more information on 07985705058 or http://www.boogiebabesbradford.uk
New Mum Meet Up
Have you recently had a baby? Would you like to meet some other new mums? Join us on a Wednesday afternoon 11.45-2.30, there will be sensory toys, the weighing scales will be available and you’ll be able to order food and drink too. £3 per adult and baby, no need to book just turn up.
RhythmTime Classes
Award winning music classes suitable for young babies, babies and toddlers. Running on Thursday mornings to book please follow the links;